Sinusitis, also known as rhinosinusitis, occurs when there is inflammation that causes blockage of the sinus openings preventing the natural drainage process. Recurrent acute sinusitis is when an infection occurs four or more times per year. Chronic sinusitis is when an infection lasts longer than 12 weeks despite treatment.

Causes of sinusitis may include
- Viral Infections
- Bacterial infections
- Allergies
- Fungal infection
- Trauma
- Autoimmune diseases
- Foreign objects in the nose

Symptoms of sinusitis include
- Discolored nasal drainage
- Nasal blockage
- Facial pain/pressure/fullness
- Postnasal drip
- Decreased sense of smell
- A foul smell in the nose
- Halitosis (bad breath)
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Fatigue

The patient’s nasal passages will be evaluated under direct visualization with a headlight and may include a more detailed examination with nasal endoscopy that provides a magnified detailed view of the nasal cavities.
The examination may reveal abnormalities such as"
- A deviated nasal septum
- Enlarged turbinates
- Nasal polyps
- Discolored nasal drainage
- Findings associated with allergic inflammation
- An abnormal growth in the nose
- Foreign objects in the nose
Allergy testing may be recommended if inflammation from allergies could be contributing to recurrent or chronic sinus infections.

Sinus Imaging
If the patient continues to experience symptoms of sinusitis, then an in-office Xoran MiniCAT CT scan of the sinuses may be recommended. This allows the sinuses to be thoroughly evaluated for evidence of sinus inflammation and any anatomical abnormalities which could be contributing to the recurrent or chronic sinusitis.
Balloon Sinuplasty
Depending on the results of the CT scan, the patient may be a candidate for a Balloon Sinuplasty. This is an in-office, minimally invasive procedure which dilates the opening to the blocked sinuses.
Sinus Surgery
Some patients may not be candidates for a balloon sinuplasty. In these cases, functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) under general anesthesia may be recommended. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery is performed through the inside of the nose without external incisions and is typically performed as an outpatient procedure.
Using the latest endoscopic technologies, the otolaryngologist can look directly into the sinus areas and perform delicate surgery to open the blocked sinuses. During this procedure image guidance systems may be used to provide real-time 3-dimensional (3D) representation of the sinus anatomy.
The doctors at Queen City Ear Nose and Throat have many years of experience performing these procedures with excellent outcomes improving the quality of life for their patients. If you or a family member are experiencing recurrent or chronic sinusitis call Queen City Ear Nose and Throat at (704) 703-1080 or book an appointment online today.