Treating The Condition
The tonsils and adenoids are lymphatic tissues that help develop the immune system and fight infections. Some worry that removing these tissue masses may impact their immune system. However, studies have shown that patients suffer fewer infections and negative effects after removal.
At Queen City Ear Nose and Throat, our physicians use the latest technology called Coblation. This procedure utilizes radiofrequency energy to remove the tonsils and adenoids, resulting in less pain after surgery and a quicker recovery time. Most healthy children over three years old can go home the same day after surgery.
If the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils and adenoids becomes inflamed from an infection or other inflammatory process, they can become enlarged and this is known as tonsil and adenoid hypertrophy. Most of the time the tonsils and adenoids decrease in size after an infection has resolved, but sometimes they can remain enlarged and cause problems that may include nasal obstruction, snoring, sleep apnea, and trouble swallowing. If a patient develops these symptoms due to enlarged tonsils and adenoids, then removal of the tonsils and adenoids may be recommended. At Queen City Ear, Nose & Throat the physicians use the latest technology called Coblation that uses radiofrequency energy to remove the tonsils and adenoids. This results in less pain after surgery and a quicker recovery time. Most healthy children over three years old can go home the same day after surgery.

Causes of Enlarged Tonsils and Adenoids
An infection or other inflammatory processes—like allergies—can cause the tonsils and adenoids to become swollen. This condition is known as tonsil and adenoid hypertrophy.
The most common cause of enlarged tonsils and adenoids is an infection. Bacterial and viral infections can cause inflammation in the lymphoid tissue, leading to swelling and enlargement.
Allergies to environmental factors like pollen, dust, and pet dander can cause inflammation in the tonsils and adenoids, leading to their enlargement. Allergies can also cause other symptoms like nasal congestion, sneezing, and watery eyes.
When Is Tonsil and Adenoid Removal Necessary?
Most of the time, tonsils and adenoids decrease in size after inflammation has been resolved. But sometimes, they can remain enlarged and cause problems, including nasal congestion, snoring, sleep apnea, and trouble swallowing. Removal of the tonsils and adenoids may be necessary if a patient develops these symptoms due to enlarged tonsils and adenoids.
Besides this, a frequent throat or tonsil infection is also an indication for removing the tonsils. For children, this surgical procedure is typically considered when sore throats occur:
• Seven or more times in one year
• Five or more times in each of two consecutive years
• Three or more times in each of three successive years
These criteria only serve as a general guideline. An ENT specialist will provide a suitable recommendation after thoroughly evaluating the individual's medical history and current condition.
Consult an Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist
It's best to consult an ENT doctor if you or a family member have persistent enlarged tonsils and adenoids. You can contact us at Queen City Ear Nose and Throat if you are looking for trusted local ENT experts in Charlotte, NC. We’re big enough to serve you but small enough to care. Call us at (704) 703-1080 or book an appointment online today.